Click and Copyright offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee on all copyright filings!

Click and Copyright offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee on all of our copyright filings. We guarantee that we will file for your copyright protection quickly and accurately, protecting your rights and saving you time. If we are responsible for any errors in your filing we will either correct the filing, free of charge, or provide you with a refund.*

We’re here to make it easy on you, and we’re good at what we do. You stick with creating unique, one-of-a-kind works and let us secure your legal protections.

Ready to get started? Copyright filing takes only a few minutes and protects your rights for years to come.

*Click Industries will refund up to 100% off the cost of its filing service, and not of the US Copyright Office filing fees. Click Industries will not be liable or responsible for errors or misinformation provided by the customer when placing their order.

Fast, Secure Process

With just a few mouse clicks and a few minutes' time, Click and Copyright can have your work off to the US Copyright Office within 24 hours to quickly establish your rights and protections over your work.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee that your copyright application will be accepted by the US Copyright Office or we will refund 100% of your money.

Trust the experts

Click and Copyright was designed by copyright attorneys to offer a complete and affordable copyright protection service without the high cost of legal fees. We’ve been helping people just like you file their copyrights for over 10 years!