Copyright your lyrics and protect your rights!

copyright your lyrics online


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Register a lyrics copyright today.

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your lyrics and you’re eager to share them with others and use them in songs. But how do you ensure that no one will steal your lyrics, claiming them as their own? And what rights will you have when you register a lyrics copyright? Trust Click and Copyright to copyright your lyrics, giving you full legal protection.

online lryics copyright

Click and Copyright makes it easy to copyright lyrics. Complete our simple process, and in just a few clicks your lyrics will be off to the US Copyright Office. In fact, we’re able to process most lyrics copyright orders in under 24 hours!

Regardless of what you’ve written, we can help copyright it for you. Click and Copyright can copyright songs, copyright lyrics, copyright sheet music and even copyright albums of recorded music. Best of all, it only takes a few minutes.

Sharing a copyright with a coauthor

Did someone else help write these lyrics with you? No problem. Our process makes it easy to share copyright protection with a coauthor. You can even share a copyright with your entire band if you've all worked on songs together.

Do I have to pay per song?

Absolutely not! You can file up to 10 bodies of work, as long as the same person or persons will receive the copyright. If you worked with another writer on several songs, you can submit them all at once.

Click and Copyright also offers an annual service plan for prolific artists who want to be able to lock in low prices for copyrighting their music throughout the course of the year. With this plan, you can secure copyright protection as soon as the next song is ready, without having to worry about waiting for the rest of the album to get finished. This is a great option for songwriters who want to protect their rights to their work.

order your online copyright

Fast, Secure Process

With just a few mouse clicks and a few minutes' time, Click and Copyright can have your work off to the US Copyright Office within 24 hours to quickly establish your rights and protections over your work.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee that your copyright application will be accepted by the US Copyright Office or we will refund 100% of your money

Forms and Guides

Click and Copyright offers a library of tools to help you manage your intellectual property. Click here to learn more.